lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

mastermind questions 1


1. What does your heart pump?
blood / veins
2. Which is the nearest star?
the sun / the moon
3. Which is heavier, gold or silver?
gold / silver
4. How many sides does a triangle have?
three / four
5. What is H20?
water / oxygen
6. How many legs does a butterfly have?
six / five


1. Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean?
an ocean / a lake
2. Which country has the most people?
China / India
3. What is the capital city of Norway?
Oslo / Stockholm
4. What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.?
Alaska / Hawaii
5. Which country has the biggest land area?
Russia / Canada
6. In which ocean is Hawaii?
Pacific Ocean /Atlantic ocean


1. What sport is played at Wimbledon?
tennis / Soccer
2. In which country will the 2008 Olympic Games be held?
China / Hong Kong
3. What country does the football player Ronaldo come from?
Brazil / Portugal
4. What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.?
basketball/ baseball
5. In which sport was Muhammad Ali the world champion?
Boxing / karate
6. Which famous golf player's mother comes from Thailand?
Tiger Woods / Lion Woods


1. How many strings does a violin have?
four / six
2. Where was Ricky Martin born?
Puerto Rico / Cuba
3. What pop group is Howie D. in?
The Backstreet Boys / N´sync
4. Which singer usually sings rap music, Mariah Carey or Eminem?
Eminem / Mariah Carey
5. Which instrument is often used in jazz music, a saxophone or a tuba?
a saxophone / Tuba
6. What nationality is Robbie Williams?
English / Scottish

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región de los Rios, Chile
Licenciado y Profesor en Educación Media mención Inglés,Universidad de Los Lagos,Osorno.